Registration information

All classes, are taught concurrently. These classes use the “chevalet de marqueterie” to cut the pieces, the same process as used at Ecole Boulle in Paris. Class size is limited to 7 students. Teachers are Patrick Edwards, Kristen Arrivee and Patrice Lejeune.

The cost for each stage is $1,100. A deposit of $500 is required for each stage, and must be sent in with an application to reserve a place in the American School of French Marquetry. The balance is due before or on the first day of class. Full payment can be made in advance. We accept checks and all major credit cards. On cancellations made six weeks before the class begins, payments will be returned. Any payments received are fully refunded if cancellation is made six weeks before class begins. Late cancellations will be rescheduled, space available, for another course.

No previous experience in woodworking or marquetry/veneer is required.

Class text book is “Marquetry” by Pierre Ramond.

A student handbook is provided.