Classes Available

Stage I

Boulle Marquetry – Stack Cutting

This class is designed to introduce the student to the chevalet, and no previous experience in marquetry is required. Class 100 is required for all of the other classes at ASFM which use the chevalet as a cutting tool.

The Boulle method consists of cutting all materials in a single packet simultaneously, by interchanging the elements, positive and negative designs will be assembled.  Students will complete three different projects, and learn how to make a traditional assembly board with Kraft paper.  Basic instruction on using hot protein glue is also included. All tools and materials are provided.

Stage II

Painting In Wood

Prerequisite : Completion of Stage I

Painting in Wood is a variation of the Boulle method, and was used as a process throughout Europe, where the chevalet was not available.This technique permits to realize very intricate pieces like the Piece by Piece technique and benefits greatly form the use of the chevalet. Accuracy in cutting is not critical, this class is often taken as a second week class for those students who complete Class 100 but do not wish to advance directly to Class 200.  Hot sand shading to create dramatic effects will also be taught. All tools and materials are provided.

Stage II

Piece by Piece

Prerequisite : Completion of Stage I

This class introduces the student to the most advanced method of marquetry, developed by the french marquetry craftsman during the 18th century.  Cutting the elements of the design separately from the background veneers allows for a minimum of waste and a maximum of production. The great advantage of this technique is the ability to cut from 8 to 12 copies at the same time, each identical to the other. In addition, the student will be taught how to use hot sand to create the traditional shading creating a dramatic effect to the composition.  All tools and materials are provided.

Independent Studies

Note: Prerequisite Stage I and/or Stage II

This class is designed to allow more advanced students the opportunity to work in the school on their own projects or on more advanced projects provided by the school.

Appropriate instruction and consulting will be provided and customized by instructors, and as for all classes, all of the tools in the school are available.

Depending on the material they may have to be purchased but at cost.

The schedule and the project is to be determined between the student and the school.