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During the 18th century in France, the art of 'Painting inWood,' or marquetry, was developed to an extremely high level by a small group of artisans.

The secret, guarded for generations, was the unique tool utilized called a "chevalet de marqueterie".


Luke Addington is a furniture conservator, period woodworker, and marqueteur specializing in furniture conservation, restoration, and re-creations. During the past six years, Mr. Addington has treated 17th-19th century American & European furniture, French marquetry, and made true to period furniture re-creations for clients throughout Arizona, California, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. He provides services to a diverse international and domestic clientele, including private individuals, companies, and organizations through his Tucson-based firm, Addington Furniture, LLC. 


Tucson, AZ, United States

